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Get a referral

You’ll need a doctor’s referral to sign up for pulmonary rehabilitation. Talk to your doctor, or call the Cardiopulmonary Wellness Center at (831) 883-5660 if you have questions about the program or need help getting a referral.

If your respiratory condition affects your quality of life or makes it hard to do the things you enjoy, help is available. Get the training and support you need by taking part in pulmonary rehabilitation at Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula.

What’s pulmonary rehab?

Pulmonary rehabilitation is an education and exercise program that can help you:

  • Achieve your personal best respiratory health
  • Increase your ability to do activities
  • Lessen anxiety and stress
  • Manage or lessen respiratory symptoms like shortness of breath

Is this program right for me?

Pulmonary rehabilitation may benefit you:

  • Before or after lung surgery, such as lung transplant or reduction
  • If you have a chronic (long-term) condition like asthma, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis, emphysema, or pulmonary fibrosis

What to expect

Receive well-rounded support from our pulmonary wellness team. These professionals hold different areas of expertise but focus on one goal: improving your respiratory health. The team includes:

  • Certified respiratory therapist (RT) who provides breathing treatments and other services to improve lung function
  • Registered nurse (RN)
  • Certified clinical exercise physiologist®, an expert who recommends and supervises physical activity
  • Medical director who oversees the program

Assessment and individualized plan

Your rehabilitation program starts with a comprehensive assessment. Rely on us to answer questions about your condition and the program. Your rehabilitation plan will reflect your:

  • Current symptoms
  • Functional capacity test results, which measure your respiratory health at the start of the program
  • Goals and preferences
  • Medical history

Your rehabilitation plan

Look forward to a combination of education, physical activities, and supportive services. Throughout your rehabilitation journey, you’ll receive encouragement and guidance from our staff to reach your best outcome.


Take part in classes on a variety of topics, such as:

  • Breathing retraining
  • Cough management and infection prevention
  • Energy conservation techniques
  • Exercise tips if you have lung disease
  • Healthy nutrition if you have lung disease
  • Lung disease and emotional health
  • Oxygen therapy education
  • Stress-reduction and relaxation techniques
  • Travel safety if you have a respiratory condition
  • Understanding your condition
  • Understanding your medications and how to take them so they’re as effective and safe as possible

Exercise skills and training

Improve your fitness through personalized skill-building and training. You may benefit from:

  • Cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility training
  • Exercise program planning with specific activity recommendations
  • Guidelines for workouts and making progress at home
  • Inhaler techniques, breathing retraining, and bronchial hygiene during exercise
  • Monitored (heart rate and oxygen saturation) exercise training
  • Upper body strengthening

Additional pulmonary wellness services

Based on your needs, your rehabilitation plan may also include:

  • High altitude simulation test (HAST) to assess your oxygen needs when you fly or travel at high altitude
  • Medical devices, such as a flutter valve, aerosol spacer, or peak flow meter, and instruction on how to use them
  • Portable oxygen for Montage Wellness Center members when you visit to work out

How much does the program cost?

Many health insurance policies cover pulmonary rehabilitation. View the list of plans we accept. Contact your insurance provider to find out the services your plan covers. If needed, financial assistance is available for those who qualify.

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